Learn or relearn the basic fundamentals of golf in this fun, women-only group session.
Smashing skills clinics are perfect for beginner or intermediate golfers. We run them in the spring with our team of excellent instructors to get you ready for the golf season.
The program consists of 3 one hour group sessions and will focus on a different aspect of the game each week including: Driving, Irons & Hybrids, Chipping & Putting.
This is a great opportunity to meet other women who could become your golf partners for weekly games.
Rental clubs are available for the lessons.
2020 Clinic schedule: note these will sell out quickly so sign up soon to reserve your spot. Each night will have 2 sessions so please sign up for either 6:00 pm or 7:15 pm
Dates: TBD
Location: FarAway Greens Indoor Golf, Burlington ONTARIO