Networking. That one word conjures up very different images and emotions in each of us. For some, it will be a feeling of dread walking into a room full of strangers. For others, like me, it is an opportunity to make new connections, and learn from others.
And some of you may be asking, “Why should I bother?” We have all been to networking events that yield no results, so it is easy to justify skipping that early morning breakfast or driving home on a wintry night instead of driving to an “After 5” event. But hopping onto LinkedIN and pressing, “connect” is not REALLY networking.
To me, networking is the act of making and facilitating connections and establishing relationships that will grow deeper over the long-term.
Networking leads to opportunities. It’s really that simple. And opportunities come through building trust over time. My network is also where I can turn for advice, motivation, and support or to simply brainstorm ideas.
Research! Time is precious. Be purposeful with your networking opportunities.
Consider attending events outside your industry.
While it makes sense to network within your industry, you may find worthwhile connections outside your industry where you could be exposed to different thinking, ideas and opportunities.
Have a goal or desired outcome for each networking opportunity.
I like to make 7 connections at every event I attend. Why 7? It’s my favourite number. A word of caution, don’t approach this with a “what can I get” attitude. I think about what I can do to help a new connection and what connections I have that can help them. Investing in a long-term relationship will deliver a better overall return.
Follow up!
If you’ve made a connection with someone and exchanged business cards at an event, then follow up! Send an email or phone them with the appropriate follow up activity – a round of golf (and 9 holes is a great way to start!), the name of another connection, recommendations for reading material, etc.
If you are a “regular” at certain events and you feel like you know everyone who is there, take a break for a few months and try some other events or activities. But, don’t disconnect completely; be sure to keep in touch with your contacts from that group while you take a break.
Make time for networking as part of your business and career plan. If you put in the purposeful time you will realize a long lasting return and you will gain a trusted group of colleagues that will support you in your career.
Want to know more about finding business success through Golf? Follow me on Twitter @hititwithfar or check out my private and group lesson offerings.