Dundas Smashing Nines

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What a great day we had at Dundas Valley Golf and Curling Club for the first Smashing Nine's golf event of the season. Rain threatened but we made it! We had experienced golfers and golfers for the first time. Lots of smiles and positive energy all over the course.

The Smashing Girls program is in full swing and the girls and their mentors will be at Dundas this week for their outdoor round. Hendrick, the general manager announced that they would be sponsoring 2 girls for a junior golf membership at Dundas Valley and that just blew me away. Between one of the members, Janice Flaherty and the club at large , two girls from Big Brothers Big Sisters will get an opportunity to  tap into the life skills that the game offers.

Thanks to your generous support we raised over $800 for Girls Inc. Amazing.

Many thanks to Chantel our personal Stella & Dot Star Director/Stylist for the great giveaway. You can reach Chantel at 289 887 1972 www.stelladot.com/chantel